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No Regrets/No Sweat

Surfing the Waves Life Sprayed Out the Hose

I’d really like to know.
Are you smiling over me?
Is that you in my dreams?
Your shadow watching my nightmares?
Knowing you’re always there?

I’d really like to know.
Am I missing a halo?
Or is this the way it was meant to be?
Is my blood the same as His?
Is Jesus my kin who could never sin?

I’d really like to know.
Do you love me as much as I do you?
Have you read all of my books and chapters?
While I’m still working to finish yours?
Are you the author of every person to be written?

I’d really like to know.
Am I really as magnificent as you made me to be?
Will I ever be like my Father?
Father, will you be my Father?
Will you love me when I’m wrong?

I’d really like to know.
How extraordinary I really am.
How I’ve found you in my heart, when I saw you beyond the trees.
How your mysterious ways are majestic ways.
If you know how much you mean to me.

Because, “I love you” isn’t enough to justify the feeling I have for you, O Lord.